1928 Ford Model AA Platform Truck
- As the Model T and TT became obsolete and needed to be replaced, Henry Ford began initial designs on the Model A and AA in 1926. The Model A was designed by Edsel Ford and Joe Galamb. Body design and style plans developed quickly and were outsourced to Briggs and Murray.
- The Model A debuted in 1928. The car and the AA truck shared parts and materials. Notably the body, engine and the interior.
- The L head engine was a 4 cylinder with 200.5 cubic inches and produced 40 horsepower. It was twice as powerful as the Model T. It has a conventional ladder chassis and four wheel mechanical brakes.
- The transmission is a three speed gearbox with a dry multiple -disc clutch. This truck is equipped with a worm gear rear end. This allows for maximum pulling power but limits top speed to 35 mph in gear or out of gear.
- This AA was purchased new by Sterrit Wagner for his welding business call "Wagner's Welding Shop" in Milton, PA. He parked the truck in the shop at night to keep the welder safe and dry. He ended preserving the truck as well. The next owner was Wally Walter and then Fred Forrest. Noted car collector Ray B. Bowersox purchased the truck and restored it in 1978.